Last week after the almost 14 mile run, pain set in. My left knee was a bit sore on Sunday, and very sore by Sunday night and early Monday. Ice and ibuprofen were my only resolutions for then. I went to the gym on Tuesday to attempt to run but was promptly reduced to a slow pace on the treadmill. With each step, excruciating pain. It would have to be a week of rest. On Wednesday, Lori and I walked 2 miles – it was cold and my knee was again not up to it. Time to call the doctor.

I saw the good doctor (she is a tri-athlete). and a good bit of feeling my knee and a few digital x-rays later, she had her diagnosis. Pes bursitis or pes tendonitis. Something about the bursis getting inflamed by the rubbing when I run. So, she shot me up with cortisone, fitted me with a strap to keep the kneecap in place, and put me on high-dose anti-inflammatory drugs. If this doesn’t work, I will be back for other stuff on Friday. I am attempting to run on the treadmill tomorrow (maybe 4 miles), then see how the knee feels.

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