Since moving to Virginia in early 1998, we have met some people whom only one word describes – awesome. There are many couples, families to be more exact, with whom we share so much. Friendship really took on a new meaning shortly after moving here. On the very first day we moved in, a few couples on our street invited us to sit on the street while the kids played and grab a brew to talk. We watched the kids play and instantly made friends. It was that night that we met a couple down the street (see previous post), with whom we hit it off right away. The boys were in scouts and in school together. I will post a more specific post about them before they move. The “going away for a while” party is happening on Saturday. I know that tears will be shed that night.

We have one friend who has been through many changes – a child that died from a mystery illness, a divorce from an abusive drunk, a rebound relationship with another, older, even more abusive drunk, and the development of a wonderful relationship with her second husband. He treats her kids better than they have been treated with their father. This spring, one of her twins (8) had medical problems that were very sudden and very serious. We heard an ambulance coming down the street early one morning only to have it stop in front of our house. Our hearts were in our throats not knowing what had happened. The girl ended up having a problem very similar to the child that died. It was during that time that the mom I think realized who her real friends were. We were there for her day and night, taking care of the kids without her asking. I think she was overwhelmed with the support that some gave and with the support that others didn’t provide. The true friends were there to provide the unconditional support. Thank God, her daughter came out if it with little problems and a much better understanding of why her son died (and how to protect the family from this condition). But, I digress.

The point of this post that I have skirted around is that friends matter. They matter to us and they should matter to you. You will smile more and live longer when you have someone to share your heartbreak, your joys, your tasks, and your downtime with.

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