2004 – what a year.

Lots of doctor visits with my son – diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. He’s bright as hell, but has some problems for which there is no magic pill.

You really should read about it – there are more children than ever being diagnosed. Here is one Aspergers support web site – but it’s only a start:


His interests continue to be rockets. Read about Aspergers and you’ll understand his intense focus on this hobby turned lifestyle. Maybe he’ll be a rocket scientist someday – if he could only get through middle school.

My daughter really came into her own this year. She is a truly wonderful little girl that will almost always find a way to make you laugh. She’s maturing physically as well, so has classic PMS signs. She was chosen to be Mary in the Christmas pagent this year, and had to hold a real baby. She even sang a solo in church this year. Took quite a bit of guts to do that – must have her Mom’s stage presence.

My wife took a change in her job this year – working some insane hours to be home for the kids after school. It is far more than not wanting to pay the daycare bill. It was to spend time, one-on-one with our son. It’s necessary to work through the math and science. He knows the material but needs the reinforcement to get it started and finish the work. She is a genuine saint, and has more patience than I can ever hope to have. Guess I’m the bad cop in this relationship. She will never know how much this means to the family or to me.

For me, 2004 was a pretty same-ol, same-ol year. The job didn’t change much, the responsibilities didn’t change much. The only thing that did change was my boss. Our team had three different supervisors in 6 months. While I like our boss now, she knows nothing about what we do – only to make my life hell much of the time. Many people think I run the department – not her. While I’ve never said that, it has apparently been shown by my actions (stepping up and taking the lead on many projects). I did get a promotion — in title only this year. I actually lost money in the deal if I’m going to stick around for another year. Time to look elsewhere, not sit and bitch about the situation, cause I’m just not a sit and bitch guy. My motto for 2005 – lead, follow, or get the hell out of my way.

So, back to the opportunity I spoke of earlier. I submitted my “qualifications” but will have to wait until 2005 to see if a change is in order. It would be good for the family financially, but would likely take me out of the house more than I am now. I like comfort, and dislike change. If the opportunity is right, and I am right for the opportunity, I will weigh my options and perhaps discuss this with my boss. I will never ever burn bridges. This town is way to small for me to shut the door such that I am never invited back in.

Happy 2005 – whatever it brings and whatever I make of it!

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