After work today, I decided to hit the gym and give the “new” core workout a try. It is mostly core work after a 10 minute warmup on the treadmill. So I ran for the allocated 10+ minutes at a 5.8 to 6 mph pace, then headed over to the mats and bench area for my 30 minutes of pain workout.

The workout consists of jumping, squats, some lifting, and other activities that are totally foreign to my uncoordinated body. I did less reps than the plan called for, but more than I thought I would be able to. Finally, I headed back to the treadmill to stretch and cool down.

Fortunately, one of our company’s health advocates was very willing to pay it forward and help me out with my form. He pointed out that my lunge form was not quite right and after some slight modifications, found a way more effective and less difficult to do. He also pointed out that the weight I was using was probably too heavy. I tried to use a 17 lb kettle ball, but the weight was only shown in metric and I was very tired at that point, so went with the first one I picked up. I’m guessing that it was closer to 40 lbs, way too heavy! Next time, I’ll make a better choice!

So the first workout is done and I have sore muscles to tend to today. Let’s hope that next time won’t be quite so awkward!

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